On September 12, 2023 CODE Europe held its final large scale event  in the Bulgarian city of Burgas, one of the locations with the highest participation rate in the crowdsourcing experiment on air quality carried out within the project. The event gathered citizen activists, campaigners and policy makers on local and national level, as well as the international partners of CODE Europe to discuss the lessons learned, and the road ahead for better air quality in Burgas and the EU, and for the future use of crowdsourcing in policy making on local, national and European level.

Opening Session: Citizens and Institutions Together for Clean Air in Burgas

Moderator: Assya Kavrakova, Director of ECAS

  • Daniela Bojinova, Member of Parliament, Committee for direct citizen participation and cooperation with civil society, Environment and water committee;
  • Zhecho Stankov, Member of Parliament, Committee on Energy and Committee on budget and finance
  • Vesna Baltina, deputy mayor for the environment, City of Burgas
  • Petko Georgiev, Director of ProInfo, Burgas crowdsourcing campaign manager
  • Prof Dr. Alexander Dimitrov, Head of Department Ecology and Nature protection,  University “Prof. Аssen Zlatarov”

Panel discussion: CODE Europe: Lessons Learned

Moderator: Petko Georgiev, Director of ProInfo

  • Iveta Kazoka, Centre for Public Policies Providus Latvia – main takeaways from the comparative analysis;
  • Margherita Toloto, (Live via Zoom from Strasbourg) Campaigning on citizens’ behalf for better regulation and the ongoing Ambient Air Quality Directive Review at European Parliament
  • Assya Kavrakova, Director of ECAS: Going forward with crowdsourcing on the EU level – lessons learned
  • Robert Bjarnason, (live via Zoom from Reykavik) Citizens’ Foundation, Iceland – Review and recommendations for the crowdsourcing process and methodology
  • Simon Delakorda, Institute for Electronic Participation, Slovenia, Crowdsourcing in the broader e-participation context
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